HATP and Shary execution of the task serveup
In this film, two levels of plan and robot action representations are shown:
(1) on the bottom-left, one can see a plan as produced by HATP: it's a hierarchical task structure with precedence links at each level and decomposition links from level to a lower level. The leavses correspond to elementary tasks (for HATP) that might me further refined by SHARY when executed. The currently executed task is in green.
(2) the top of the figure shows the current state of execution maintained by SHARY. SHARY traverses and updates the plan tree but also further refines the tasks depending on the actual context. Tasks produced by HATP are represented by diamonds while tasks refined on-line are represented by ellipses. Several types of links are shown with different colors: grey arcs correspond to task decomposition, orange arcs correspond to causal/precedence links. Finally a color code illustrates the stask of a task: green means ``under execution'', red means `` impossible or stopped'' and blue means ``achieved''.
Shary execution of a give object task with a suspension
This film illustrates the internal data structure manipulated by Shary when the robot hands an object to a person. We have chosen here the case where the person is disturbed by a phone call and consequently turns his head away from the robot. (color code used in the previous video is also used for this one)
Related publications
Below are only listed some of the RA-related publications, please see the Publications page for more.
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interaction between dialog and decision for human-robot collaborative task achievement", RO- MAN
2007, Jeju Island, Korea
- A. Clodic, Maxime Ransan, Rachid Alami, Vincent Montreuil "A management of mutual belief for
human-robot interaction", In proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man,
and Cybernetics (SMC 2007), October, 2007.
- Jannik Fritsch and Sebastian Wrede. An Integration Framework for Developing Interactive Robots,
volume 30 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Springer, Berlin, 2007.
- Marc Hanheide, Sebastian Wrede, Christian Lang, and Gerhard Sagerer. Who am i talking with? a face
memory for social robots. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2008.
- Koay, K. L.;Sisbot, E. A.;Syrdal, D. S.;Walters, M. L.;Dautenhahn, K.; & Alami, R. 2007.
"Exploratory Study of a Robot Approaching a Person in the Context of Handing Over an Object". AAAI
2007 Spring Symposia - Technical Report SS-07-07, 26-28 March 2007: 18-24.
- Koay, K. L.;Syrdal, D. S.;Walters, M. L.; & Dautenhahn, K. 2007. "Living with Robots: Investigating
the Habituation Effect in Participants' Preferences during a Longitudinal Human-Robot Interaction
Study". IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-man 2007),
Jeju Island, Korea: 564-569.
- V. Montreuil, Aurelie Clodic, Rachid Alami " Planning Human Centered Robot Activities", In
proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2007),
October, 2007.
- Christopher Parlitz, Winfried Baum, Ulrich Reiser, Martin Hagele. Intuitive Human-Machine
Interaction and the Implementation on a Household Robot Companion, 12th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2007), Beijing, China, 2007
- S. R. Schmidt-Rohr, S. Knoop, M. Lsch, and R. Dillmann. " Reasoning for a multi-modal service robot
considering uncertainty in human-robot interaction", In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE international
conference on Human robot interaction, 2008.
- S. R. Schmidt-Rohr, R. Jkel, M. Lsch, and R. Dillmann. " Compiling POMDP models for a
multimodal service robot from background knowledge". in EUROS Conference, 2008.
- Frederic Siepmann. Refacturing der systemarchitektur eines mobilen roboters fr die multi-modale
mensch-roboter interaktion. Diplomarbeit (in german), Bielefeld University, 2008.
- E. A. Sisbot, Aurlie Clodic, Rachid Alami, Maxime Ransan "Supervision and Motion Planning for a
Mobile Manipulator Interacting with Humans", In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE international
conference on Human robot interaction, 2008.
- E. A. Sisbot, Luis F. Marin and Rachid Alami, "Spatial Reasoning for Human Robot Interaction",
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2007), San Diego,
- Thorsten Spexard, Frederic Siepmann, and Gerhard Sagerer. Memory-based Software Integration for
Development in Autonomous Robotics. Proceedings 10th International Conference on Intelligent
Autonomous Systems, 2008.
- T.P. Spexard, M. Hanheide, and G. Sagerer. Human-oriented interaction with an anthropomorphic
robot. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 23:852-862, 2007.
- Syrdal, D. S.;Dautenhahn, K.;Woods, S.;Walters, M.; & Koay, K. L. 2007. "Looking Good?
Appearance Preferences and Robot Personality Inferences at Zero Acquaintance. Multidisciplinary
Collaboration for Socially Assistive Robotics": Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium - Technical
Report SS-07-07: 86-92.
- Syrdal, D. S.;Koay, K.-L.;Walters, M. L.; & Dautenhahn, K. 2007. "A personalised robot
companion? The role of individual differences on spatial preferences in HRI scenarios". IEEE
International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication(Ro-man), Jeju Island, Korea.
- Syrdal, D. S.;Walters, M. L.;Otero, N. R.;Koay, K. L.; & Dautenhahn, K. 2007. "He knows when you
are sleeping - Privacy and the Personal Robot". Technical Report from the AAAI-07 Workshop W06 on
Human Implications of Human-Robot Interaction.
- Sven Wachsmuth, Sebastian Wrede, and Marc Hanheide. Coordinating interactive vision behaviors
for cognitive assistance. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 108(1-2):135-149, October 2007.
- Walters, M.;Syrdal, D. S.;Dautenhahn, K.;Boekhorst, R. T.;Koay, K. L.; & Woods, S. 2008.
"Avoiding the Uncanny Valley Robot Appearance, Personality and Consistency of Behavior in an
Attention-Seeking Home Scenario for a Robot Companion". Autonomous Robots 24(2): 159-178.
- Walters, M. L.;Dautenhahn, K.;Boekhorst, R. t.;Koay, K. L.; & in., S. N. W. 2007. "Exploring the
Design Space of Robot Appearance and Behavior in an Attention-Seeking 'Living Room' Scenario for a
Robot Companion". IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life, (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2007): 341-347.
- Sebastian Wrede, Marc Hanheide, Sven Wachsmuth, and Gerhard Sagerer. Integration and
coordination in a cognitive vision system. In Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision
Systems, St. Johns University, Manhattan, New York City, USA, 2006. IEEE. IEEE ICVS'06 Best Paper
- Woods, S.;Dautenhahn, K.;Kaouri, C.;te Boekhorst, R.;Koay, K. L.; & Walters, M. 2007. "Are
Robots Like People? - The Role of Subject and Robot Personality Traits in Robot Interaction Trials".
Interaction Studies. (2): 281-305.
An Integrated Project funded by the European Commission's Sixth Framework Programme