Partners involved
Final review presentation
Related Publications
Partners involved(RA leader)
In order to perform their tasks safely and efficiently, the robots must show the same degree of precision in
their skills as humans do. To provide robots with sophisticated motor skills for flexible and precise motion
has proven to be a very difficult task, requiring important low-level programming (with high cost) for
finely tuning the motor parameters and for re-calibration of sensor processing.
An alternative is to provide the robot with learning or adaptive capabilities, which can be used for on-line
optimisation of predefined motor control parameters. Particularly challenging is the problem of how to
teach a robot new motor skills, without going through reprogramming, but simply through demonstration.
This allows the robot to be programmed and interacted with, merely by human demonstration, a much
more natural and simple means of human-machine interface; and it makes the robot flexible with respect
to the tasks it can be taught and, thus, facilitates the end-use of robotic systems.
This activity addresses the problem of how to teach a robot new motor skills and complex tasks through
human demonstration. The learning algorithms to be developed in this activity will be general and address
fundamental questions of imitation learning, applied to manipulation tasks. The related areas of research
- Skill and Task Learning
- Programming through Demonstration
- Visio-Motor Learning
- Human Robot Interactions
- Social and Observational Learning
Work conducted in RA4 is related to Key Experiment 3 ('Learning Skills and Tasks') but also related to
the other Research Activities.
WP4.1 Infering the goals, representation and metric of the task
Successful decomposition of the task into uncorrelated constraints and extraction of the goals:
An architecture, based on Gaussian Mixture Models, for extracting continuous constraints in time and
space [Hersch, 2007 and Calinon, 2007a] has been developed. Moreover, two extensions of this algorithm have been considered.
First, we have investigated an on-line version of the extraction of the constraints, based on an incremental
version of the expectation-maximization algorithm for learning the Gaussian Mixture Model. This allowed
incremental teaching of skills. This was deemed important to allow refining of the skills in an interactive
manner. Teaching proceeds as follows: The robot demonstrates its understanding of the task by
reproducing the demonstrated gesture. If the robot is unsuccessful, the teacher can then teach the robot
again by showing the whole demonstration or only part of it again. We also compared the use of motion
sensors versus kinesthetic teaching to teach the robot [Calinon, 2007b and Calinon, 2007c].
Second, we considered the importance of allowing a second form of learning, independent of the
human teacher, to complement imitation learning. For this, we investigated the use of reinforcement
learning (RL) to allow the robot to relearn a task when the context had changed importantly compared to
the context used during the demonstration. To avoid falling in the pitfall of RL of long stochastic searches
across the whole motor space of the robot, we used the demonstration to initialize and bound the search.
The width of the gaussian mixture was used as a marker of the uncertainty associated at each point of the
path. The more uncertainty, the wider could the search around that point be. This was used to enable the
robot to relearn a simple reaching task in the presence of obstacles. A complete description of this work is
reported in [Guenter, 2007].
Incremental teaching of skills
WP4.2 Social context of Robot Social Learning
Experiments for scaffolded robot imitation learning and self-adaptation of learning strategies in a social
Learning Strategies in Social Context: Building on the experimental results from scaffolding studies in
2006, a more detailed combined reanalysis of two separate studies was carried out. The first considered
scaffolding breakdowns when humans teach robots. Originally reported in [Saunders, 2006] the
experiment reported on how crucial steps in a simple robot teaching process are omitted by human trainers. The results of this study were compared and contrasted with a similar effects from human-robot
interaction experiments carried out in the University of Hertfordshire Robot House (results of this
combined work was published in [Saunders et al., 2007b]). In that study humans attempted to teach a
robot a 'setting the table' task with responses of the robot being controlled by a human 'Wizard-of-Oz'
operator. Results confirmed the paucity of explanation given by many of the participants and emphasized
the benefits in researching ways to model robot feedback appropriately in order to direct, encourage and
confirm the human teaching steps (one way of providing a mechanism for robot responses in this manner
was outlined in [Saunders et al., 2007a] as a direct result of studies carried out in 2006). The second study
considered how the adaptation of scaffolded teaching strategies could be beneficial both for a robot learner
in terms of processing efficiency and for a human trainer in terms of reduced training complexity and
training steps. These studies were reported originally in [Saunders, 2006] and reanalysed in conjunction
with a more complex HRI study where the human teachers spontaneous levels of event segmentation
when analysing their own explanations of a routine home task to a robot. The results suggested the
existence of some individual differences regarding the level of granularity spontaneously considered for
the task segmentation and for those moments in the interaction which are viewed as most important. This
work has been accepted as a journal paper (see [Otero et al., 2007]).
The ROSSUM architecture for Humanoid Platform: The ROSSUM teaching and scaffolding system
architecture for Humanoid has been developed. Hardware, networking and software integration of the
ROSSUM architecture support a switch from a discrete set of movement primitives (on the previous
mobile robot platform) to a dynamic set of activities (on the humanoid platform. The key activities
included hardware design and implementation of the humanoid robot to include non-powered
proprioception running independently from actuators. This extension allows the human trainer to
physically manipulate the robot using the self-imitation methods described in [Saunders, 2006] (whereas
in the mobile robot experiments the effects were simulated though a teleoperation interface). From the
sensory side the VooDoo body tracking system (developed by Cogniron partner UniKarl (Cogniron
function CF/ACT) was successfully integrated into the platform. The design also exploits network
protocols using the YARP infrastructure which will allow easier future integration and development.
Experiments on Human Scaffolding Modifications when carrying out a Task: A joint experiment was
carried out in 4th quarter 2007 between the University of Hertfordshire (UH) and University of Karlsruhe
(UniKarl). The aim of the experiment was to study whether minor constraints/ modifications of human
scaffolded actions when carrying out a task could be positively beneficial in terms of robot technical
recognition of those actions and secondly whether these action constraints/modifications would be both
acceptable and would not be overly onerous to the human.
Work carried out at UH
WP4.3 Incremental Knowledge Acquisition of Complex Tasks
Report on building of and reasoning over complex task knowledge.
Introduction: A comfortable way to provide a robot companion with knowledge about how to perform
common household tasks is for a human user to demonstrate and teach tasks to the robot in a natural way.
In WP4.3, algorithmic methods and an actual system have been developed, enabling a service robot to
learn complex household manipulation tasks from few demonstrations and improve the task knowledge
with further demonstrations. The main concept centers around a knowledge acquisition system, capable of
observing natural human demonstrations of household tasks. The observed tasks are segmented and
interpreted, leading to an abstract, symbolic hierarchical-functional task representation, so-called macro-
operators. They form tree-like abstractions of a task that both include a decomposition of a task into
modular subtasks and a relational model of the preconditions and effects of the task. The task is
recursively decomposed down to an elementary-operator level that comprises the robot-specific sensory-
motor couplings on a certain robot type. The general concept is described in [Pardowitz, 2007a]. The latest
work in WP4.3 focusses around algorithmic methods to organize task knowledge in taxonomies of similar
and conceptually related tasks to improve reusability of acquired knowledge for incremental learning. This
approach also reduces the number of necessary demonstrations.
Incremental learning of task precedence graphs: Learning abstract patterns of order in certain classes of
tasks is described in [Pardowitz, 2007b]. Given a single task, there are possibly different ways to achieve the
effects of this task. These can be different orders of the actions constituting the task. The task itself may
possess some degrees of freedom in order while being constrained in the ordering of other actions. An
example is laying the table with a plate, a saucer and a cup: As the cup should be placed on the saucer, the
saucer must be on its final position before the cup can be placed on it. On the other hand, the outcome of a
task execution does not depend on whether the plate is placed before, between or after the other two
objects have been placed. Therefore, some actions of the tasks sequentially depend on others while others
are independent. While the learning system can not decide after seeing only a single example, it seems a
viable approach to supply it with more sample demonstrations, applying different task execution orders. In
order to learn task knowledge from even a single demonstration sufficient for execution but improving the
learned task when more knowledge in form of task demonstrations is available, an incremental approach is
chosen. This incremental learning mechanism for task precedence graphs allows a correct precedence
graph to be learned from even a single example while still maintaining the ability to incorporate new
knowledge in order to refine the task knowledge.
Version space algebra for learning of repetitive task patterns: Representing repetitive task patterns in an
abstract, formal manner is described in [Pardowitz, 2007c]. Since programs that involve repetition are usually
complex entities and can not easily be represented by atomar expressions, the concept of Version Space
Algebras (VSA) is introduced. This allows to represent hypotheses on programs and underlying loop
structures in a hierarchical manner. They are constructed out of atomar or other compound hypotheses,
resembling the tree-like structure of the syntax-tree of a program. The Version Space Algebra (VSA) as
used for programming by demonstration is able to track multiple hypotheses on programs simultaneously.
In order to allow the hypotheses to be compared with others in terms of adequacy, an evaluation function
was defined and implemented that assigns a probability to each hypothesis in the version space. This
allows to choose the best hypotheses before the version spaces have collapsed towards a single hypotheses
and to introduce background knowledge into the hypotheses evaluation. This version space algebra can be
applied applied to the problem of learning loop structures for everyday houshold tasks.
version space design - program
- [Calinon, 2007a] S. Calinon, F. Guenter and A. Billard, On Learning, Representing and Generalizing a Task in a
Humanoid Robot, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B. Special issue on
robot learning by observation, demonstration and imitation, Vol. 37, Nr. 2, pp. 286-298, 2007.
- [Hersch, 2007] M. Hersch, F. Guenter, S. Calinon and A. Billard, Dynamical System Modulation for Robot
Learning via Kinesthetic Demonstrations, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2007.
- [Calinon, 2007b] S. Calinon and A. Billard, Active Teaching in Robot Programming by Demonstration, in Proceedings
of the IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
(RO-MAN), 2007.
- [Calinon, 2007c] S. Calinon and A. Billard, Incremental Learning of Gestures by Imitation in a Humanoid Robot,
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), pp.
255-262, 2007.
- [Guenter, 2007] F. Guenter, M. Hersch, S. Calinon and A. Billard, Reinforcement Learning for Imitating Constrained
Reaching Movements, RSJ Advanced Robotics, Special Issue on Imitative Robots, Vol.
21, Nr. 13, pp. 1521-1544, 2007.
- [Otero et al., 2007] Otero, N., Saunders, J., Nehaniv, C. L., and Dautenhahn, K. (2007). Connection
Science (Accepted).
- [Pardowitz 2007a] M. Pardowitz, S. Knoop, R. Dillmann and R. D. Zšollner. Incremental Learning of
Tasks From User Demonstrations, Past Experiences, and Vocal Comments. In IEEE Transactions
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 37, No. 2, April 2007.
- [Pardowitz 2007b] M. Pardowitz and R. Dillmann. Towards Life-Long Learning in Household Robots:
the Piagetian Approach. In Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning,
London, UK, July 2007.
- [Pardowitz 2007c] M. Pardowitz, B. Glaser and R. Dillmann. Learning Repetitive Robot Programs
From Demonstrations Using Version Space Algebra. In Proc. 13th IASTED International Conference
on Robotics and Applications, Wrzburg, Germany, August 2007.
- [Saunders, 2006] Saunders, J. (2006). Observational Imitation, Self-Imitation and Environmental
Scaffolding in Robotic Systems. PhD thesis, University of Hertfordshire.
- [Saunders et al., 2007a] Saunders, J., Nehaniv, C. L., Dautenhahn, K., and Alissandrakis, A. (2007a).
Self-imitation and environmental scaffolding for robot teaching. International Journal of Advanced
Robotic Systems, 4(1):109-124.
- [Saunders et al., 2007b] Saunders, J., Otero, N., and Nehaniv, C. L. (2007b). Issues in human/robot
task structuring and teaching. In Proc. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human
Interactive Communication (IEEE Ro-Man 2007), pages 708-713. IEEE, Jeju Island, Korea.
2004 - D4.1.1 Evaluation of subgoals extraction algorithm on kinematics data of human motion and on objects displacement
2004 - D4.2.1 Evaluation of experiments on correspondence problem in robot learning on how to imitate humans
2004 - D4.3.1 Report on selected categorizations of innate skills, skill representation and implementation. Evaluation of machine learning techniques for enabling one-shot learning
2004 - D4.2005 Report on Successful Decomposition of the Task into Uncorrelated Constraints and Extraction of the Goals, on Studies and Methods for Solving the Correspondence Problem in Context and on Building of and Reasoning over Complex Task Knowledge.
2006 - D4.2006 Report on Experiments for Scaffolded Social Learning in Context & Unsupervised Learning of Task Taxonomies
2007 -D4.2007 Report on demo of successful decomposition of the task into uncorrelated constraints and extraction of the goals ; and on validated learning architecture for adaptive robotic scaffolded social learning in context, and on higher level reasoning methods for repetitive tasks and alternatives
Final review presentation
RA4 presentation(by Aude Billard (EPFL))
associated videos:
Related publications
Below are only listed some of the RA-related publications, please see the Publications page for more.
- Incremental Learning of Gestures by Imitation in a Humanoid
Robot, S. Calinon and A. Billard, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot
Interaction (HRI), pp. 255-262, 2007.
- Reinforcement Learning for
Imitating Constrained Reaching Movements. Guenter, F., Hersch, M., Calinon, S. and Billard, A. (2007) RSJ Advanced Robotics, Vol. 21, No. 13,
pp. 1521-1544.
- Issues in human/robot task structuring
and teaching. Saunders, J., Otero, N., and Nehaniv, C. L. (2007). In Proc. 16th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human
Interactive Communication (IEEE Ro-Man 2007), pages 708-713. IEEE, Jeju Island,
- How should we teach a robot? Synthesizing human and robot perspectives.Otero, N., Saunders, J., Nehaniv, C. L., and Dautenhahn, K. (2007). Connection Science (Submitted).
- Human to robot demonstrations of routine tasks: Exploring the role of the robot'feedback. Otero, N., Alissandrakis, A., Dautenhahn, K., Nehaniv, C. L., Srydal, D., and Koay, K. L.
(2008). In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Robot Interaction (ACM
HRI 2008). (to appear), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Towards Life-Long Learning in Household Robots: the
Piagetian Approach. M. Pardowitz and R. Dillmann. In Proc. 6th IEEE International Conference on Development and
Learning, London, UK, July 2007.
- Learning Repetitive Robot Programs From
Demonstrations Using Version Space Algebra. M. Pardowitz, B. Glaser and R. Dillmann. In Proc. 13th IASTED International
Conference on Robotics and Applications, Wrzburg, Germany, August 2007.
- Action, state and effect metrics for robot imitation A. Alissandrakis, C. L. Nehaniv, K.
Dautenhahn. In Proc. IEEE RO-MAN 2006, 15th IEEE International Workshop on Robot
and Human Interactive Communication, Hatfield, September 6-8, 2006, pages 232-237.
- Using self-imitation to direct learning J. Saunders, C. L. Nehaniv and K. Dautenhahn. In
Proc. IEEE RO-MAN 2006, 15th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human
Interactive Communication, Hatfield, September 6-8, 2006, pages 244-250.
- Self-imitation and environmental scaffolding for robot teaching J. Saunders, C. L.
Nehaniv, K. Dautenhahn and A. Alissandrakis. Advanced Robotics Systems International.
- Using Physical Demonstrations, Background Knowledge and Vocal Comments for Task
Learning M. Pardowitz, R. Zollner, S. Knoop and R. Dillmann. In Proc. 2006 IEEE/RSJ
Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS06), Beijing, China, Oct 2006.
- Unsupervised and Incremental Acquisition of and Reasoning on Holistic Task Knowledge
for Household Robot Companions M. Pardowitz, R. Zollner and R. Dillmann. In Proc.
2006 IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS06), Beijing, China,
Oct 2006.
- An Integrated Approach for Programming Complex Manipulation Tasks M. Pardowitz, R.
Zollner, S. Knoop and R. Dillmann. Submitted Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation
(ICRA 2007), Rome, Italy, Apr 2007.